Day to Day Life: Week 8

This week looked a bit like this:


7c4d52107aca11e2871d22000a1f92db_7_zpsb1ee9ff0Morning smoothies include raw oats that have been soaked overnight, a handful of fresh blueberries, a couple small bananas, peanut butter, and a bit more vanilla almond milk. Very reminiscent of this smoothie. I do not own a blender, thus the food processor smoothie business.


Sweet boy who thinks he’s about three weeks old, rather than nearly nine years old. Who also thinks he’s a chihuahua-sized lap puppy versus a massive 150-pound beast of a dog.


I thoroughly enjoy a made-up bed, but absolutely do not like making up the bed. So fluffy.


Juice lunches are delicious and so colorful.


My female attachment.


I made a vegetarian moussaka this week that I’ll post Monday for meatless Mondays… It’ll blow your mind. Although it takes a bit of time (like, a lot of time…), it’s worth every second for the final meal you get to sit down and enjoy.


I went through most of my clothes this week, prepping for donating, giving away, and an upcoming yard sale. I don’t know where I accumulated so many bathing suits and tank tops… And yet, they were still the hardest to part with.


The best part about cooking up a recipe that includes wine… is certainly drinking said wine while cooking.


Excuse me, little dog. Those are not your toes.


I’ve been trying to think up a breakfast recipe to submit to a contest I was invited to partake in. This experiment turned out wonderfully. It was an excellent use of the carrot pulp I’ve been hoarding from our juicer. Plus it resulted in delicious carrot cake-like pancakes. I’ll share more next week.


One night, it was pouring rain. I opted for a bath while listening to the pitter-patter on our rooftop and the sidewalk out front. By the time I got out, it was dumping snow. Half and hour later, the snow was gone and the following morning brought sunshine. Last week there were warm(ish) sunny days. Yesterday we had rain, snow, hail, sunshine, cold and a short period of warmth. Welcome to February trickery in Ashland, Oregon, friends. In its honor, here’s a lovely song from a local friend – a woman whom I greatly admire – that you can listen to.


Date nights mean margaritas. On the rocks, no salt, all goodness.


I love the color of these hills year-round. They shift in blues, purples, greens, browns, yellows, white… Consistently inconsistent.


Silas took this picture while visiting his dad’s office. It’s a painting we made when he was 3. We made excellent messes of painting four years ago. Finger painting, rock-painting, splatter painting outside in the backyard. This was a good reminder to step back into those creative spaces with him again, sooner than later.


Cup ‘o Sunshine. Coming your way soon.

About Julie Hashimoto-McCreery

28 year old food blogger and writer.
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