Saturday Sites : Week Six

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1. Grilled cheese sammiches. They are delicious at any time of day and always comfort food in my dictionary. I might have to spend March making every single one of these 31 grilled cheese sandwiches – although I need to tweak some of the meat-laden ones.

2. These 8 superpowers everyone possesses – absolutely YES.

3. This probably shouldn’t have made me laugh as hard as it did…

4. I have rarely seen a good sounding  vegetarian bánh mì recipe, but this one with lemongrass tofu sounds delicious…

5. The moment caught in this video is astounding and the science around it is heartbreaking.

6. These pear hazelnut muffins sound like something I’d enjoy making and eating.

7. Animated classic paintings? This is really cool and at some points, completely creepy. Just the way I like my art.

8. This post, We Can’t Be Friends – in the last decade, especially the last six years, I’ve felt these sentiments. In fact, when I tell people they should come over for dinner, my preferred offer is: just show up. Things may be a mess, but I will feed you well. That’s the best I can offer. I enjoyed Cari Dugan’s follow-up post as well, linked on the bottom of the original post.

9. This video, The Sound of Taste, is gorgeous. I watched it over and over again.

10. I love the way crepe cakes look. I’ve yet to make one, but this one goes to the top of my list. Maybe I will make it for myself for my birthday.

11. I loved this. The relationship between kids (and people) and their pets is pure love.

12. A couple weeks ago, I linked to a list of things people should be taught as teenagers. In the same vein of those thoughts, this list, entitled 19 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Turned 20 So I Didn’t Waste A Decade was filled with great reminders that I needed to hear now, not just when I was 20. Plus, honestly when I was 20, I probably wouldn’t have taken as many of these thoughts to heart. That and they wouldn’t have resonated in the same ways they do now.

13. Ciabatta bread is one of my favorites. Especially in the panini press. This version sounds pretty simple and looks tasty.

14. I am completely envious of Matt Armendariz’s backyard kitchen, which is home to this gorgeous wood-fired pizza stove. I am certain that if I had one of these ovens, we’d happily eat pizza every single day, unapologetically.

15. This made me LOL for real. The Gospel of Parenthood according to Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. With animations!  A sneak peak with this quote from Tina, “Ah, babies! They’re more than just adorable little creatures on whom you can blame your farts.”

16. Oh, yum, this is my kinda d-r-a-n-k.

About Julie Hashimoto-McCreery

28 year old food blogger and writer.
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