Saturday Sites: Week Twenty-Eight

Forbidden Rice Blog | Saturday Sites Week 28 2015


2.) Maiden names are on the rise. When I got married, I kept my last name. It’s unique. It holds my mom’s name and my dad’s. I thought “Julie Hashimoto-McCreery” was also less common than “Julie Wright.” I DID offer for my husband to take my last name if he wanted! ;)

3.) I’ve been doing a lot of popsicle research. These are at the top of my list.

4.) How would YOU rank Ben and Jerry’s? Chubby Hubby would be closer to the top of my list. And the Bovinity Divinity I loved most of all died back in 2001. Wah-wah. That milk chocolate ice cream with white fudge cows swirled with white chocolate ice cream and dark fudge cows… it was moovalous. (Ahem, Kara.)

5.) Yes, yes, yes! Less judgement all the way around, please. And more compassion. With kindness.

6.) The truth about eating disorders and yoga. While I’ve never been big on yoga, there’s certainly some info in here I can relate to and certainly experienced at some time or another in my life.

7.) Cannoli. Ice cream. Cannoli ice cream.

8.) I think this might be me.

9.) BFFs playing “Truth or Drink.” Things get odd.

10.) How 7 things that have nothing to do with rape perfectly illustrate the concept of consent. YES.

11.) These photos from San Francisco’s Telegraph Avenue in the late 60’s are intriguing.

12.) Dear People Who Live in Fancy Tiny Houses… teehee!

13.) I shall eat allllll the blueberries. Thank you, that is all.

14.) And maybe all of this salad.

15.) The importance of family dinners.

16.) Here are 37 websites where you can learn something new! Hurray!

17.) Shall we enjoy some hushpuppies soon? Okay.

18.) My guided meditation cue from here on out.

About Julie Hashimoto-McCreery

28 year old food blogger and writer.
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One Response to Saturday Sites: Week Twenty-Eight

  1. wendy martin says:

    Did he call you Ms.?

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