Saturday Sites: Week Nineteen


  1. What do moms really want for Mother’s Day? These things?

  2. Some of these two ingredient sandwiches sound delicious!

  3. This microscopic look at tears fascinated me.

  4. In an entirely different way, this cauliflower chowder also intrigued me.

  5. While I don’t have any biological kids of my own, I remember this feeling

  6. Still on the hunt for the perfect chocolate chip cookie… This recipe looks like a good one to try.

  7. A quick browse through this site will make even the shittiest day a little better.

  8. I’d like this coconut brown rice pudding every day, please.

  9. Burgers of any variety are far from the top of my list of favorite foods, but this one sounds like something I’d happily try.

  10. I am certain this peanut butter hot fudge sauce would go over well in this house… by the spoonful, mouthful, etc., etc.

  11. This dance super-cut is fun to watch… I like watching the wardrobe changes and the objects that both disappear and show up on the shelves in the background.

  12. While we’re at it… sorry… notsorry. AHH!

  13. I enjoyed reading these 29 life lessons. And seeing as I shall turn 29 one month from today, it made me begin to think about the things I’ve learned in the last year.

  14. Bubbly kombucha makes my belly happy… this recipe sounds yummy. I have a healthy jun scoby and am currently trying to grow a kombucha scoby… this goes to the top of my list for flavors to experiment with. Lavender also sounds like a flavor I’d enjoy.

  15. Let’s be real. Mother’s Day isn’t some happy, wonderful celebration for everyone. Take heart… In case tomorrow is a difficult time for you, perhaps you’ll find some comfort in these words. I know I did last year and revisited for this coming year as well.

About Julie Hashimoto-McCreery

28 year old food blogger and writer.
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