The last week looked something like this:
So many sunflowers all over the yard right now…!
Water polo season is about to start… Vincent’s been working his ass off as goalie already this summer.
Lots of magical skies this week.
Necessary for taco night…
I like watching how the colors of these hills change with the seasons.
After Chicken (who is in fact a pigeon, yes…) gets a bath, her favorite time is towel time.
Taco leftovers means taco lunching!
More Ashland hills.
Vegetarian pepperoni pizza mac and cheese!
Apples to Apples Junior with the whole fam-damly.
Goodbye, sun.
Chicken friend.
I was so excited to find this dude! It means the beans are a-comin! : )
Nothing but trouble!
Boys being boys. Shooting things.
I made vegetarian manapua! And they came out tasty!
Late summer sunsets are the best.
A post workout brunch featuring eggs, fresh spinach, chopped tomatoes from the garden and goat cheese.
My husband was part of a literary event at Barking Moon Farm. The garlic hanging to dry in the barn was lovely!