Tag Archives: photos
Day to Day Life: Week Seventeen
Let’s have a look at the past week, shall we? Things looked a little like this: Fresh organic eggs were delivered to our front porch early in the week. Fresh eggs were a good excuse for this breakfast-dinner. A … Continue reading
Day to Day Life: Week Sixteen
The past week looked a bit like this: Overcast skies are some of my favorite skies. I have no qualms about telling you I buy Yogi tea mainly for the little quote that is attached to each teabag. This particular … Continue reading
Day to Day Life: Week 15
This week looked like this: Garlic rubbed sourdough toast with peppery egg and chives. So good. Brown eyed boy. Silas’s mom shared the pickled quail eggs she’s been pickling… delicious. Company for chips. I baked a surprise birthday cake for … Continue reading
Day to Day Life: Weeks 12, 13 & 14
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. I thought about skipping two weeks of Day-to-Day posts, but alas… I’m opting for this route instead. Three weeks worth of photos (while the number of them may seem overwhelming, they’re the … Continue reading
Day to Day Life: Week 11
This week looked a bit like this: Blue skies for days… At times when I’m missing Kauai particularly much, my insides crave noodles. Saimin, specifically. When I first left the islands for Oregon to go to college (on The Mainland), … Continue reading
Day to Day Life: Week 9
The past week looked a little like this: Whoa, buddy. I’m not sure why, but when it came to food this week, all that ever sounded good was breakfast. And burritos. To wrap up breakfast in a burrito for dinner? … Continue reading
Day to Day Life: Week 8
This week looked a bit like this: Morning smoothies include raw oats that have been soaked overnight, a handful of fresh blueberries, a couple small bananas, peanut butter, and a bit more vanilla almond milk. Very reminiscent of this smoothie. … Continue reading
Day to Day Life: Week 6
Somewhere in my brain I decided it was a good week for a juice fast. This particular juice absolutely required me not breathing in while I drank. Kale, beets, beet greens, romaine lettuce, cucumber, celery, kiwi, meyer lemon, apples, ginger. … Continue reading
Day to Day Life: Week 5
What happens when you try to make juice, but mid-beet juicing your juicer decides to simply die? I don’t suggest what this photo says I decided to do. Beat remaining beets to pulp in your food processor, then hand squeeze … Continue reading